2 Porzellan Biennale Meissen
The 2nd Porzellan Biennale in Meissen will be opened on Sunday the 12th of August in the Albrechtsburg in Meissen (Germany) at 2.oo pm. I am very honoured to be part of this interesting porcelain exhibition. Meissen and Dresden are two of the first cities where...
La Ceramica in Circolo
The first stage of the collective itinerant exhibition “La ceramica in Circolo”, presenting works of 35 different artists, will be in Faenza, during the ceramic festival Argillà, opening on the 30th of August at 6.00 pm at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni. My piece...
Terralha Festival Européen Céramique St-Quentin-la-Poterie
My new work FIGULINAE will be seen at one of the most famous ceramic events in France, coming up on the 13th until the 15th of July. My work “Riflessi Marini”, which you can see on the advertising poster, will be on the show together with a lot of other...
Buongiorno Ceramica 2018 – Ceramic Connections
Nel ricco fine settimana di “Buongiorno Ceramica”, che si svolge quest’anno il 19/20 maggio, viene inaugurata la mia mostra bipersonale con Hanibal Salvaro nel Centro Culturale di Casa Cajani a Gualdo Tadino (PG). Sarà possibile visitare la mostra...